The focus of the fitness tracking market was aimed at working out. Leaving a gap for users who are driven by the experience.
Solo UX Designer
2021 - 2022

Understanding the Problem
The focus if the fitness tracking market was aimed at working out. Leaving a gap for users who are driven by the experience.
Knowing the User
The target user for Fitted is the individual who seeks a diverse variety of exercise. They like spice up their routine with challenges, keep an extensive log of their progress, and discover new exercise routines. fitted. is a lifestyle wellness brand, not a workout brand.
Product Vision & Solution
The app needed to understand the needs of 4 different exercise styles.
Determining the user flows would allow the designs to be focused on what each user would need to accomplish in their journey. To establish the user flow, I designed and lead creative thinking workshops with my team (PM, Devs, QA, and Stakeholders) and the company's stakeholders to get a full understanding of the user's needs. This activity was completed in Figma for optimal collaboration among the group.
Using the user flows and user personas, I created mock-ups of the needed screens to have an initial visual representation of the layout.
The main functionality needed to give the users a clear way to track their progress. Other fitness apps all have ways to know your progress, this would be an essential component of the app.
Take Aways
Having an application with multiple very distinct use cases and user types requires additional planning and user research to understand each case.